General Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions shall apply to all contracts and deliveries concluded by and between ASRP-Systems Ltd., as the Service Provider and the Client, which are aimed at developing hardware and software solutions based on the Client’s needs.


1.    General conditions

1.1 Data of the Service Provider:

  • Company name: ASRP-Systems Ltd.
  • Address: H-6000 Kecskemét, Harkály utca 10., Hungary
  • Company registration number: 03-09-135260
  • Tax number: 27194854-2-03
  • EU tax number: HU27194854
  • Name of the registering authority: Company Registry Court of Kecskemét Regional Court
  • Managing Director and Founder: Attila Gönczi
  • Telephone: +36 (70) 309 4621
  • Email:
  • Website:

1.2 In matters not regulated in these GTC, as well as in the interpretation of these GTC, Hungarian laws shall be applied.

1.3 These GTC shall be effective from the 19th of November 2023 and shall remain in effect until revoked. Amendments to these GTC will be published by the Service Provider on the website. The amendments shall not affect the previously concluded contracts, that is, the amendments do not have retroactive effect. If required, modifications to current contract(s) will only occur after both parties agree to the change in writing.

1.4 The Service Provider shall provide quotations according to the conditions specified in this document, which includes the working fee for the services and the expected costs.

1.5 ASRP-Systems guarantees that it is authorized to perform the service(s) detailed in the quotation.

1.6 If not expressly included in the Contract, the version of ASRP-Systems Ltd.’s General Terms and Conditions valid at the time of signing the Contract shall apply to follow-up orders and as part of ongoing business relations.

1.7 The Client acknowledges that any service provided by ASRP-Systems Ltd. is unique, designed in accordance with the Client’s needs and is therefore non-refundable.

2.    Contract and services

2.1 The Contract may be amended in writing, which requires the consent of ASRP-Systems Ltd.

2.2 Unless otherwise stated, all prices are net.

2.3 ASRP-Systems guarantees that it invoices to the Client for the number of working hours that were actually necessary to complete the work. Monitoring of working hours is based on a recording of working time.

2.4 ASRP-Systems Ltd. shall be entitled to entrust a third party with the performance of all or part of the contractual services, but it shall be liable for its activities as if it had been performed by itself. ASRP-Systems Ltd. undertakes to oblige the third party with the rights and obligations arising from the order, in particular regarding the compliance with confidentiality obligations.

2.5 ASRP-Systems shall be entitled to provide partial services and invoice them to the Client. The Client undertakes to accept the partial service.

3.    Termination of the Contract

3.1 The Contract can be terminated by either Party with a well-founded reason at any time with one month’s notice. The intention to termination shall be submitted to the other Party in writing. Causes for a well-founded reason are for example: (i) inappropriate working conditions (e.g. personal conflicts, deliberate withholding of information); (ii) repeatedly ignoring deadlines; (iii) force majeure cases (e.g. natural disaster, war, bankruptcy etc.); or (iv) a breach of any material provision of this Contract.

3.2 In the event of termination: (i) no further work will be performed; (ii) invoice shall be issued for any work that has already been performed and has not yet been invoiced; (iii) the results created up to the date of termination shall be transferred to the Client.

4.    Payment terms

4.1 The Client shall make payments no later than five days after the due date. If the claim is not paid within this period, it shall be considered late payment. In case of late payment, the Client shall pay late interest equal to twice the base rate of the European Central Bank.

4.2 If any payment is not timely made by the due date, ASRP-Systems Ltd. reserves the right to stop the work until full payment will have been received. In this case, the deadlines previously agreed cannot be guaranteed.

4.3 If at least 50% of the ordered work will not be executed within the agreed period (indicated on qoutation) – due to the reason(s) attributable to the Client – ASRP-Systems Ltd. reserves the right to invoice 50% of the value of the entire order to partially cover lost revenues. Exceptions are force majeure cases (e.g. natural disaster, war, etc.) about which the Client must always notify ASRP-Systems Ltd. in writing.

5.    Guarantee

5.1 Design errors committed by ASRP-Systems Ltd., its directors, employees, consultants, substitutes or subcontractors shall be corrected by ASRP-Systems Ltd. as soon as possible without any extra charge, and the Client shall be informed of the progress on a daily basis.

5.2 The Client shall be entitled to withhold losses suffered due to ASRP-Systems Ltd.’s actions, rule violations or unsatisfactory performance from ASRP-Systems Ltd.’s commission fee.

5.3 ASRP-Systems Ltd. undertakes a 12-months guarantee for the service it provided and the development results created during the performance of the Contract.

6.    Liability

6.1 ASRP-Systems Ltd. shall be liable for damages resulting from damage to body, life or health in accordance with the legal provisions of the Hungarian laws.

6.2 ASRP-Systems Ltd. shall be liable for any breach of material contractual obligations for which ASRP-Systems Ltd. itself, its directors, employees, consultants, substitutes or subcontractors are liable. That is, for obligations that are necessary for the proper performance of the Contract and the achievement of the contractual purpose, and the performance of which the Client can count on.

6.3 In addition, ASRP-Systems Ltd. excludes all liability and does not undertake any other guarantees other than those expressly set forth in Section 5. Accordingly, ASRP-Systems Ltd., its directors, employees, consultants, representatives, substitutes or subcontractors shall not be liable to the Client or its client for any consequential or other damages or losses resulting from alleged deficiencies in the operation of the embedded systems. ASRP-Systems Ltd.’s liability for such damages and losses may not exceed the amount of the commission fee, in addition, a damage claim may only be submitted in the case of intentional damage.

6.4 The above exclusions and limitations of liability shall apply to all personal liability of ASRP-Systems Ltd., its directors, employees, consultants, substitutes or subcontractors.

7.    Results of the development

7.1 The development results of ASRP-Systems Ltd. shall be transferred to the Client only to the extent undertaken in the Contract.

7.2 ASRP-Systems Ltd. shall only hand over the inventions and developments made during the performance of the Contract to the Client if this has been agreed upon and if it is exempted from any obligation related to the remuneration of the inventor.

8.    Reservation of ownership and other rights

8.1 ASRP-Systems Ltd. reserves all rights transferred to the Client, especially ownership rights, protection rights or rights of use, until the agreed remuneration is paid in full.

8.2 This reservation shall be applied to the ongoing business relationship until all claims against the Client arising from the business relationship have been fulfilled. For the avoidance of doubt, (i) ASRP-Systems Ltd. shall not retain any ownership or other rights in any rights for which Client has paid in full, and (ii) intellectual property rights acquired under previous contracts will not be affected by subsequent contracts.

9.     Other provisions

9.1 In the case of a dispute arising from this Contract and all related obligations and legal disputes, the Parties shall try to reach an agreement through mutual consultation. If this does not lead to any results, the Kecskemét District Court or the Kecskemét Regional Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction depending on the value limit. Hungarian laws shall be applied to the contractual relationship and all legal relationships resulting from it.

9.2 The Parties maintaining contact agree to cooperate in the performance of the order and provide each other with all necessary information and assistance. The documents made available for the performance of the order shall be returned immediately upon the request of the other contracting Party after the performance of the order.

9.3 Both Parties undertake to preserve all data, information, or business secrets that they become aware of during the performance of the Contract, the confidentiality of which is in the interest of the other Party.

9.4 The Client’s personal data is stored by ASRP-Systems Ltd. to the extent necessary to perform the Contract and manage relations with the Client.

9.5 Travel-related costs such as flights, accommodation and car use (including car rent, fuel and parking) shall be calculated and invoiced separately based on actual invoices. The fee for on-site work is not included in the quotation. If on-site work is required, the relevant costs shall be recorded in a separate quotation based on consultation with the Client. Any on-site work must be approved by the customer in advance and in writing.

9.6 ASRP-Systems Ltd. is not obliged to provide services prior to receipt of the corresponding written order.

9.7 A In all cases, the performance of work is based on prior consultation with the Client.

9.8 Issues not regulated in the basic Contract are subject to the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, and the basic Contract is only valid together with the General Terms and Conditions, which the Parties expressly acknowledge by signing the Contract.

9.9 ASRP-Systems Ltd.’s General Terms and Conditions (GTC) may be accessed in Hungarian, as well as in German and English translations, and in the event of a dispute, the Hungarian version shall prevail.

Date of the last update: 30 August 2024